Latest news #8

  • Google search engine will have a new spell-checker powered by artificial intelligence. The tool uses a deep neural network with 680 million parameters to better understand the context of misspelled words. It works in 3 milliseconds. Google also adds a new security feature for the COVID-19 to Google Maps. Soon you will be able to see in real time how many people are in a specific location on the map, without having to search for a specific place or company, which can be useful for anyone trying to avoid crowds during a pandemic. More info here.
  • Amica it is the online application that uses artificial intelligence to help separating couples make parental arrangements or share their property. Chatbot uses artificial intelligence to suggest how separated couples can divide their money and property according to their situation. The software uses data from similar past cases to make suggestions to its users. More info here.
  • European Space Agency, Intel and Ubotica announced that in early September 2020 they have placed the PhiSat-1 satellite in space with the PhiSat-1 computer supporting artificial intelligence technology. It is the first AI satellite in Earth’s orbit. It is used to analyze images of the Earth’s surface. More info here.
  • Poland has not agreed to the phrase gender equality in the EU document on the ethical aspects of artificial intelligence. What is the explanation? Poland strongly advocates for equality between women and men, which is present in all EU documents based on the terminology adopted in primary law. The treaties refer to equality between women and men, as in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The meaning of the word “gender” is unclear; a lack of definition and unambiguous understanding for all member states can cause semantic problems. Neither the Treaties nor the Charter of Fundamental Rights use the term “gender” said Andrzej Sadoś, EU Ambassador of the Republic of Poland. More info here.
  • It is predicted that the development of online education has enabled the emergence of a new type of teacher – the artificial one. Researchers from the Nicholson School of Communication and Media at the University of Central Florida are working to study students’ perception of teachers based on artificial intelligence. The results of their research have been published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, indicating that for students to accept an AI teacher, he or she must be effective and easy to talk to. More info here.
  • IBM has developed a new Artificial Intelligence model that predicts the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease better than standard clinical tests – with 71% accuracy. More info here.
  • South Korea has set itself the ambitious goal of developing 50 types of AI chips over the next decade. There are plans to spend about 871 million dollars on the development of a new generation of AI chips before 2029. The current plan is to produce AI chips in the country by 2022 and build an army of 3000 experts within a decade. More info here.
  • Facebook has implemented an AI system that connects people in need of support with local people who can help. If a person has posted a request for help because he or she is unable to leave the house, Facebook can automatically match that person with a user in the local area who has recently declared himself or herself ready to get things such as groceries or prescriptions. More info here.

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