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1.Several modifications to the Artificial Intelligence Act have been proposed. The modifications concern: the right to make a complaint – people using artificial intelligence will be able to exercise the right of complaint and appeal; there is also an obligation to inform users that they are subjected to a high-risk system; information about the implementation of high-risk systems shall be public and entered in an appropriate register. More information here.

2. DeepMind, a Google-owned startup, announced that it is close to reaching human-level artificial intelligence. DeepMind unveiled Gato, a new bot that can perform more than 600 different tasks and can also talk, sign pictures, arrange blocks, and even play video games. More information can be found here.

3. The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia has overturned an earlier decision regarding artificial intelligence and “inventors” of patentable works. According to the decision, artificial intelligence can no longer be considered an “inventor” under the Patents Act 1990. The inventor of a patent must be an individual. You can read more here.

4. American rapper Kendrick Lamar used deepfakes in his latest music video, for the song “The Heart Part 5,” to seamlessly transform his face into various celebrities such as Kanye West, Will Smith and O.J. Simpson. The music video can be seen here.

5. Facial recognition company Clearview AI has been fined more than £7.5 million by the UK Privacy Authority and ordered to delete the data of UK residents. Clearview claims that its facial recognition database contains around 20 billion photos downloaded from public sources such as Facebook and Instagram. The company has previously sold its software to a number of private users and companies, but recently agreed to limit its U.S. operations to sales to federal agencies and police. You can read more information here.

6. Chinese scientists have created a robot that could care for human embryos that develop in a laboratory and are in artificial wombs. The conditions there would be similar to the real thing. Currently, this technology is used to care for animal fetuses. Scientists want to develop an AI that would allow parents to grow a baby in the lab, eliminating the need for women to get pregnant themselves. You can read more here.

Author: Agata Konieczna

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