Artificial intelligence surrounds us everywhere and is constantly evolving. Increasingly, you can hear about use cases of AI-based algorithms in everyday life and helping in medicine, transportation, and […]
Surprising results of experiments using Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is changing our world and is used universally – it is applied i.e. in transportation, medicine and banking. The most spectacular applications of AI are made […]
Cyborg – science fiction or reality?
Cyborg (a cybernetic organism) is an organism that is supported by technical devices. This concept began to function outside the world of science fiction, becoming a reality. Currently, […]
The issue of artificial intelligence under copyright law
Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more common and its development makes it able to perform tasks practically replacing humans. Due to such wide use of it, it […]
Deepfake – the new era of manipulation?
Deepfake (machine learning + fake) is a technology that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to process images. It allows us to obtain realistic moving images by putting a person’s […]
Brief history of the electronic personality
We live in a time when robots and systems equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) have started to replace humans, which is particularly evident in the labour market. Automation […]
Krótka historia osobowości elektronicznej
Brief history of the electronic personality [eng/pl] Żyjemy w czasach, w którym roboty i systemy wyposażone w sztuczną inteligencję (SI) zaczęły zastępować ludzi, co szczególnie widoczne jest na […]
Robots are becoming more and more like humans
Contrary to the popular belief, brain neurons are not the most important element needed for the brain to function, nor is it the only cell that can process […]